Thursday 31 March 2011

An ambition

Hello my dear classmates.
 Today I will talk about an ambition that I feel.

Personally I have always wanted to travel to the all around the world xd, but I know that this is very difficult, however I have hopes; this is a one of motive of  why I study Geography.
Firslty I want to travel to Europe because is a continent with a great diversity of landscapes, people, cities, foods, etc; but the principal motive of why I want to travel to Europe is because in this continent are the bands of heavy metal (only, only for men), that I love, so I could see this bands ever and frequently.

The second place that I would like to visit is South America, for its geographic diversity, for example for the diversity of cultures, terrain, climates, vegetal forms, and obviously the women´s (hots not the ladies). For this reason I like to visit Brazil (carnival of Rio), Argentina or Bolivia. I also like going to see the different social realities of those countries (for example the “favelas” or the Amazon communities in Brazil).
On the other hand, I also want to know the South of Chile because say it is a paradise on the earth.
Ok my dears classmates, I don’t hope see you in my life xd.


  1. Visited south america is interesting and brazil the carnaval the Río is fantastic the dance and the party.


  2. Travel broadens your horizons!
